Severus Piton & Alan Rickman Fan Forum

Posts written by -Mapi-

view post Posted: 20/8/2007, 20:07 Let's talk in english! - Off Topic

I always wandered why!

See ya.
view post Posted: 18/8/2007, 22:08 Let's talk in english! - Off Topic
You study Japanase on your own? Really?

So, please, can you tell me WHY IN THE HELL do they have three different ways to say "I"?

I mean... I've heard "ore" "buku" and "atashi" (or "watashi", I cannot say if there was a "w" or not! :P)

Could you explain it to me, please? Thanks!

* * *

When I was there my fu***ng camera didn't work!
So I have not pictures to show!
But I remember it perfectly as I am there right now.

It is a good place, I think... it was like, introducing me in a different world, even if it was like a normal cantine.
I dunno.
Maybe the fact that I feel like I was near Alan :shifty:

Anyway, I'd love to live in England, too, but not in London.
London is beautiful and all, and charming, and green ,like the perfect city but it's a bit too... busy, for my taste!
No, I'd love to live quite near London, of course, but in a smaller town, a little charming place with a lot of green and nice shops.

Well, that's enough!
Sorry for my mistakes (coz now I don't want to re-read the things that I have written! :P) and bye bye! ^^
view post Posted: 10/8/2007, 18:26 ciau a ttt fan di piton! - Ufficio del Prof. Piton
Ma benvenuta nuova Pitonica!

Ti troverai benissimo e sì, questo Forum è molto accogliente per le Pitoniche disperate che vivono con la gente che le rinfaccia di amare uno schifoso traditore!

Hai già letto il Settimo Libro?
view post Posted: 10/8/2007, 12:58 Let's talk in english! - Off Topic
You'd be veryy lucky if you can see that Castle!

I have seen the Great Room, in Oxford, you know... Where they eat at Hogwarts.
It was simply perfect!
A little bit different than the one in the movie, but you couldn't mistake!
It was there, and the simply fact that I was where Alan had been made me feel... good!

I have always loved English, since the age of 5.
But it's only recently that i started studying it... seriously, let's say!

Anyway, I am a bit in a hurry, forgive any mistake! ^^
view post Posted: 4/8/2007, 19:33 Io babbano? - Help & Suggestion
E Selma... scusa la domanda idiota, ma com'è che da un giorno all'altro da Selmacausi sei diventata solo <selma>?

view post Posted: 1/8/2007, 13:21 Domande continue....2 - Piton
Mi attaccherei alla sua caviglia e lo implorerei di perdonarmi.

(magari non funziona, ma almeno gli sono stata incollata per un bel po'! XP)

Cosa faresti se Piton, per scacciarti, ti dicesse che è gay?
view post Posted: 24/7/2007, 19:49 Il peggior attore del mondo - Film
Emma Watson (dai, ha sempre la stessa faccia!), poi è vero, Orlando Bloom dovrebbe migliorarsi un pochino... La Hilton avete il coraggio di definirla attrice? oO

Scamarcio è bellissimo! Come osate dire queste cattiverie su di lui, ragazze?
Lui è un attore grandioso, un ragazzo bellissimo e, se si vanta un po', lo fa di tuto merito!
E poi... 3MSC è il film migliore del mondo! Ok?


Puah, smettiamola di dire cavolate: Scamarcio è un idiota, e non m iesprimo su quel "libro". Che schifo!
161 replies since 22/5/2007